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Journey of Illumination

Becoming an Initiated Man on the Men's Rites of Passage is the start of your Journey of Illumination. It will last throughout the rest of your life. 


We are now men transforming men through a power greater than ourselves. We are seeking a life changing spirituality. Our primary concern is inner work that makes a difference in the world. We are fed by the wisdom traditions of forgiveness and radical inclusivity. Our work recovers traditional patterns of male initiation, affirms a masculine path to healing, reveals the true and false self and honours the path of descent. We do this through the power of ritual, image, story and council.


These are our five touchstones:

  • Centring – we are men grounded in the power of the here and now (e.g. your regular spiritual practice).

  • Gathering – we are men who listen deeply to each other’s stories (e.g. your engagement in men's groups and networks).

  • Connecting – we are men who choose another to walk with - shoulder to shoulder (e.g. mentoring, coaching and spiritual guidance).

  • Releasing – We are men who let go of the ways that no longer serve us (e.g. setting-down reviews and rituals).

  • Serving – we are men who honour the earth and serve the whole human community (e.g. your service to others).


We seek to form future generations of men who will restore these practices – serving to build a world that celebrates the beauty of all beings.

Here in the UK we aim to support initiated men on their Journey of Illumination through:

Return to Source

an intensive 5-day programme for initated men (only) that runs alongside the Rites each year. This is an opportunity to deepen your soul journey, discovering more of your life purpose whilst also re-experiencing aspects of your own initiation, serving the initiates and elder team, whilst standing shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the process of transformation.


an informal form of one-to-one listening, coaching, and guidance to support your journey, often by phone or Skype; please use the Journey of Illumination option on the Contact page to be put in touch with a mentor.

Local Circles

groups ran by by men up and down the country.


a three-day event comprising time-out, ritual, small-group sharing, teaching, celebration, and an extended wilderness solo time. It’s a time and space to release what no longer serves you in an affirming way. It’s a magnificent celebration of who you are as a man … and an opportunity to go much deeper within.

Men's Moot

our annual weekend gathering of initiated men to share time together in the Way of Council. Details are sent to all initiated men in our email newsletter.

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